Who We are

C.G. Celio & Sons Co. is a premier resource information system company. We specialize in successful client implementations of Geographic Information System technologies, from field data collection to application interface development. Our holistic approach ensures your GIS enhances efficient business processes and fits within your entire information technology program. C.G. Celio & Sons Co. is a HUBZone certified small business

Company Mission

Our mission is to provide clients with quality, USEFUL, GIS solutions. We understand how to apply this complex technology to your area of expertise to ensure measurable success in GIS implementations.

Company History

C.G.Celio & Sons was first formed by Carlos Guiseppi Celio in California in the late 1800s. His business covered many aspects of the family agricultural and commercial operations. A sawmill, cattle ranches and a motel at Myers near Lake Tahoe were the cornerstones of the operation. In the 1950’s C.G. Celio & Sons was dissolved as the businesses were sold.

Today, Clint Celio, great-great-grandson of Carlos Guiseppi, and Jennifer Celio, revive the family business. Though land holdings are no longer the focus, Clint and Jennifer specialize in land and resource management solutions. C.G. Celio provides environmental and natural resource consulting services. Forestry, Geographic Information Systems, and natural resource surveys are the bread and butter of C.G. Celio & Sons Co.

C.G. Celio & SonS, CO.